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The world's first narrative live-action short film shot with Google Glass. A young man breezes through his day enjoying the benefits of Google Glass without any awareness of the true cost of his blind faith in technology, revealing a disturbing yet all-too-believable glimpse of the future.
Starring: Charissa Adams,
Scott C. Brown, Anna Alausen, Jamie Hunsdale, Conner Neddersen, Christian Telesmar
I am a Director of Photography, DP, Cinematographer, Videographer, Camera Operator based in Seattle, Washington. I shoot Feature Films, Commercials, TV shows, Sketch Comedy, Documentaries and Corporate video. Cameras include Canon C300 mk2, Sony A7s. My Grip truck is loaded with Dollys, Camera Jib, HMIs, Fresnels, KinoFlos, Lite Panels, Overheads, #SeattleDirectorOfPhotography #SeattleVideo #SeattleCinematographer #SeattleCameraMan #CameraMan #DirectorOfPhotography, #Cinematographer